Sharing seeds
Grain libraryWhat is a grain library?
It’s an exchange zone for safeguarding and disseminating old varieties. All these seeds are reproducible, free of copyright and freely accessible to all.
A training program is organized around each seed library, enabling everyone to learn how to produce and reproduce their own seeds, so as to become more self-sufficient and contribute to the long-term survival of the libraries.
Each seed library starts with a « stock » of 250 varieties, including at least 100 tomato varieties. All these seeds are produced in the canton of Geneva, without fertilizers, fungicides or pesticides. Now it’s up to you to participate in the development and life of these places.
But why 100 varieties of tomato?
First of all, because I love this plant! I love these fruits, their palette of tastes and colors. But also, because the tomato is a symbol of a globalized product which, over the years, has lost all its taste in favor of its ability to preserve… For me, the tomato is also a symbol of biodiversity and a plant heritage that deserves to be known and protected. With over 40,000 existing varieties, I find it sad that I can’t find more than 4 or 5 varieties in the stores…
To find our entire collection of tomatoes, visit our store: