Permaculture training in Lancy for Villa Tacchini animators

7 workshops to discover and learn how to use an educational vegetable garden!

In 2023-2024, on behalf of FASE, we’ll be working with Villa Tacchini supervisors to train them in permaculture and natural gardening.

Permaculture training in Lancy

This training course consists of 5 workshops of 2h30 each, where we’ll alternate theory and practice to understand soil dynamics, the vegetable garden’s place in an ecosystem, and all the garden’s activities.

Starting a vegetable garden, sowing seeds, designing a garden, a complete training course that will enable you to easily start your own permaculture garden.

After the theory, we’ll accompany you in the field!


After the first 5 sessions, we will accompany you over 2 sessions, with your students and leaders, to guide you in setting up workshops that are fluid, structured, fun and educational.

A course that has already proved its worth!

The tools we give you are those we use every day. With over 7,000 students, our experience will help you save time and structure your urban vegetable garden project.

Here you will find another project to accompany the community center at Jardin Robinson in Onex.

permaculture training Lancy
permaculture training Lancy
Permaculture training Lancy

We’ll give you more information in spring 2024 with the first workshops with children!

To find out more, read our article on the benefits of an educational vegetable garden.

To find out more about Villa Tacchini’s activities, visit their website: Villa Tacchini