Festi’rouge: Geneva’s First Chili Eating Contest If you think eating chillies is an adventure in itself, wait until you discover Festi’rouge, Geneva’s very first chilli-eating competition ! Get ready to see faces flushed, tears shed (from...
Cultiver le basilic Le basilic, une plante facile à cultiver. En revanche, avoir de belles productions nécessite un peu de technique. Origine du basilic, culture, récolte, on vous dit tout sur cette plante star des potagers ! Origine du basilic L’origine du basilic...
Growing basil Basil is easy to grow. However, it takes a bit of technique to produce a good crop. Where basil comes from, how to grow it and how to harvest it: we tell you all about this star vegetable! Origin of basil Theorigin of basil is uncertain… It is...
Grafting tomatoes (and peppers, eggplants, potatoes) Grafting tomatoes (and chillies, peppers and eggplants) is a good way to increase plant production while reducing the risk of diseases and pathologies linked to the root system. Increased vigour, higher yields and...
Greffer les tomates (et piments, aubergines, pdt) Greffer les tomates (et piments, poivrons, aubergines) est une bonne solution pour augmenter la production de vos plantes tout en réduisant les risques de maladies et pathologies liées au système racinaire. Vigueur...