Festi’rouge: Geneva’s First Chili Eating Contest

If you think eating chillies is an adventure in itself, wait until you discover Festi’rouge, Geneva’s very first chilli-eating competition ! Get ready to see faces flushed, tears shed (from happiness, of course) and taste buds put to the test in a competition as spicy as it gets.

What is Festi’rouge?

A unique event in Switzerland

Festi’rouge is much more than just a competition, it’s a unique event celebrating all things spicy. Geneva, usually renowned for its chocolate and clocks, now plays host to an event that warms the soul and the palate!

pepper-eating contest

Carolina Reaper (have you ever seen a grown man cry in front of a vegetable?)

Origins and history of Festi’rouge

The brainchild of a few thrill-seekers, the Festi’rouge was held for the first time this year. The organizers, passionate about cultivated biodiversity, wanted to honor plants by showcasing them in a playful way.

The Pepper Eating Contest: Rules and Regulations

Contest rules

The rules are simple: each participant has to swallow a series of chillies, each more powerful than the last, until they can’t go on any longer. Last one standing (or rather, last one able to stand) wins. Please note: fire extinguishers are not permitted on stage.

The different varieties of peppers in competition

From the mild heat of the Jalapeno pepper to the blazing fire of the Carolina Reaper, all levels of spiciness tolerance will be tested. The peppers are ranked in Scoville order, a scale that measures capsaicin, the ingredient responsible for that fiery sensation in the mouth.


To whet your appetite, here’s the menu:


  1. Biquinho yellow (0 to 1000 Scoville)
  2. Purple Upo peper (500 to 1000 Scoville)
  3. Green Jalapeno (1500 Scoville)
  4. Jalapeno White (5 to 10,000 Scoville)
  5. Thai (50,000 Scoville)
  6. West Indies (80,000 Scoville)
  7. Red tiger (300,000 Scoville)
  8. Habanero (300 to 400,000 Scoville)
  9. Bhut Jolokia (1,000,000 Scoville)
  10. Carolina Reaper (1.5 to 2,000,000 Scoville)
bhut jolokia

Bhut Jolokia (a super-powerful pepper!)

Participant selection criteria

There’s no question of registering lightly! Candidates must have a minimum of experience in eating hot peppers. A strong stomach is also recommended. Registration is online, and places are limited!

The Participants : Who can rise to the challenge?

Candidate profile

If you’re a thrill-seeker, this contest is for you! If you’ve ever bitten into a chilli pepper without flinching, or if you like to sprinkle your pizza with chillies until it’s red, then you’re ready for the Festi’rouge.

Tips for future participants

Start by training your taste buds gently. Avoid drinking water during the contest (it will only make things worse). And above all, breathe deeply… between two chillies!

pepper-eating contest Geneva

Why take part in Festi’rouge?

Rewards at stake

In addition to the immeasurable pride of being able to say « I survived the Festi’rouge », the winners will walk away with tempting prizes: baskets filled with local produce, spicy trophies, and of course, the admiration of the whole Canton.

A challenge for thrill-seekers

This competition is a real test of strength for those who want to push their limits. It’s a chance to prove that you literally have fire in your mouth. And above all, the power of fresh, locally-grown chillies.

A place in the Hall Of Fame (on festirouge.ch)

The winners will go down in Festi’rouge history with a place of honor in the Hall of Fame on the official website. Your name engraved forever among the bravest!

pepper-eating contest Geneva

Festi’rouge’s impact on the local culinary scene

Promote local products, small producers and short distribution channels

Festi’rouge promotes local producers and encourages the use of short circuits. The peppers used are grown on site (at Terra Houblon), and every bite supports local agriculture.

Promoting cultivated biodiversity

By celebrating chillies in all their forms, Festi’rouge also contributes to the preservation and diversity of cultures. An initiative as ecological as it is tasty!

How to prepare for a chilli-eating contest?

Training and physical preparation

The secret to success? Preparation! Train yourself by eating progressively hotter chillies. A little exercise won’t hurt either, so you’re ready to face the burning sensations.

How to manage spiciness Techniques and tips

Don’t panic! Breathe calmly and chew slowly. Milk is your best ally in calming the burn, so keep a glass handy. And above all, avoid touching your eyes!

Conclusion: The Festi’rouge, an Unmissable Event for Chilli Lovers

Reasons not to miss this edition

Festi’rouge is shaping up to be an unmissable event for all fans of chillies and challenges. Whether you’re taking part or just attending the show, get ready for a memorable day full of laughter, warmth… and tears of joy (or hot pepper)!

pepper-eating contest

Want your name engraved on a Hall of Fame?

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A sneak preview of what awaits you in 2025!

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pepper eating contest. red tiger pepper
variegated pepper
pepper-eating contest. carolina reaper
pepper-eating contest
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