Educational vegetable gardens - Permaculture training in Geneva

"Growing by growing"

Do you feel like gardening ? Would you like to start a permaculture vegetable garden in Geneva? Intrigued by the concept of permaculture or natural gardening? Discover our various permaculture training courses in the canton of Geneva. For children, adults, over a weekend or in evening classes, discover how to produce healthy, free and environmentally-friendly food. Gardening is good for your head, good for the planet, and fills your plate!



School garden in Geneva

Permaculture for kids (ages 2 to 13)

Graine de Carotte offers a creation service, but above all a support service for school gardens, with a program and teaching aids tailored to the level of the pupils and the teacher’s curriculum. To achieve this, we have designed 3 distinct programs:

  • For nurseries
  • For 1P/4P
  • For 5P/8P

The main asset of this project is its modular program, where each of our objectives is associated with a P.E.R. objective, so that our program matches that of the teachers.

permaculture children educational garden

Permaculture for grown-ups (aged 14 and over)

Graine de carotte also offers « à la carte » nature and vegetable garden workshops on more specific subjects such as tree pruning, hybridization/cross-breeding of varieties, seed production, conservation of biological heritage, the mechanics of soil construction and fertility, or the fantastic world of tomatoes.

Support for urban vegetable garden associations

We work with urban vegetable garden associations and groups to help you:

  • Setting up the garden
  • Help in organizing participatory vegetable gardens
  • Member training
  • Monitoring crops and projects

Permaculture training in Geneva for adults: an à la carte program

Accessible to amateur and experienced gardeners of all ages, Graine de Carotte offers you permaculture workshops throughout the year. The range of activities related to nature and food is so vast, and the contexts so varied, that we prefer to meet and talk with you. In order to organize workshops that best meet your needs, the easiest way is to contact us for a personalized offer.

Our permaculture training courses in Geneva

See upcoming dates, permaculture workshops in Geneva

Contact us

To organize a workshop, take part in a training course or request a quote, please contact us.

Our latest permaculture workshops in Geneva:

  • Gardening in a small space

  • Planting summer crops

  • Pruning, caring for and propagating berries

  • Grafting tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and melons onto squash

  • Making and maintaining compost

  • Making a vermicompost

  • Des microbes dans mon assiette, learn how to make your own sauerkraut,

  • Permaculture instruction for teachers

  • Learn to identify birds with the help of guides and digital tools

  • Tomatoes from A to Z

  • The tomato invites itself into the EMS

  • Introduction to Permaculture Weekend

  • Green manure » workshop

  • Workshop on soil fertility

  • Creating a pond in your garden

  • Sowing seeds

  • Produce your own seeds

  • Creating an educational vegetable garden

  • Support for urban vegetable garden groups

  • Macro photo workshop, learn how to capture the infinitely small

permaculture Geneva

Add color and life to your vegetable gardens in Geneva!!!

permaculture Geneva

And cultivate a sense of community!

permaculture Geneva

Committed gardeners

Alongside our activities in urban vegetable gardening, permaculture in Geneva and food production in the city. We’re also very involved in protecting and safeguarding our cultivated biological heritage. Seeds are a gift to humanity from our elders! It’s up to us to preserve this heritage and pass it on to future generations!

That’s why in 2024, in addition to our tomato collection, we are collaborating with ProSpecieRara to join their network of Multipliers. Une mission de protection et de diffusion des old Swiss varieties. Thanks to them, our collection is sure to grow! And above all, to help us spread the word even further about old, local and reproducible seeds.

If you too would like to join this network and become a seed multiplier. ProSpecieRara offers a 3-day training course to learn how to produce and reproduce seeds « like a pro »! The course is open to all. Find out more on their website.

New for 2024!!!

We’re teaming up with Terra Houblon to offer our seedling market. In partnership with ProSpecieRara, discover our wide range of ProSpecieRara heirloom vegetables, flowers and, of course, a huge selection of tomatoes. All our varieties are grown here in Geneva, and all are reproducible(no F1 hybrids).

Teaching aids

Each workshop will be illustrated with original materials, specially created for the theme in question.

fiche recap potager art graine de carotte
origin of agriculture educational kitchen garden carrot seed
berry pruning
permaculture Geneva. tomato

Want to learn more about gardening, permaculture and vegetable plants?


Feel free to consult our blog

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